1 (833) 247-3652

Employer Advice on how to Maximize Your Impact as a Leader


Peninsula believes whether you are a business owner, CEO or line manager, a true leader is not just someone in a position of leadership, but someone that their subordinates trust and WANT to follow. Leaders must motivate those reporting to them to perform their best and instill confidence they are being guided in a positive direction. In this post, three key areas of leadership will be explored.

How can I improve my leadership style?

Whether you are currently in a leadership role or working towards one, here are three areas all business leaders must be mindful of and make improvement a top-priority:


Delegation enables leaders to improve team efficiency and work quality. However, for delegation to work, leaders must be willing to let go of responsibility and entrust tasks to others to get it done.

Furthermore, all members of a team have their own unique skill set. Good leaders understand the strengths and weaknesses of those on their team and delegate tasks with each person’s skill set in mind.


There is a quote by C.S. Lewis that says, “Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.”

Actions almost always speak louder than words and when leaders live out their core values and lead by example, those following are more inclined to do the same. Examples of acting with integrity can include:

  • Recognizing mistakes and apologizing for them
  • Acknowledging and giving credit for employee’s accomplishments
  • Respecting people’s time

Leaders must make acting with integrity a top priority, as you can’t expect those under you to show qualities you do not exhibit yourself.


Effective communication is essential to workplace productivity and helps create strong working relationships. So, how can leaders be the best possible communicators?

  1. Learn to Listen: Most people are good at talking, but what about listening? The best way to get people to follow you is to make them feel heard. Coworkers need to know that you are hearing their feedback and ideas and taking them under consideration–otherwise they do not feel like a valued member of the team.
  2. Create Connections: Every person has a story. Good leaders make the effort to know a bit about those they work with. These connections make the leader seem more relatable and makes asking questions or pitching ideas less intimidating.
  3. Be Enthusiastic: A leader sets the tone for the team. An upbeat attitude can

Peninsula understands how essential strong leadership is to the long-term success of a business and strives to work with small business owners to realize their leadership potential. Whether you need guidance with a complex employee situation or updating workplace policies, Peninsula can answer any of your HR or health and safety questions, contact us at 1 (833) 247-3652.
