1 (833) 247-3652

An Employers Guide for Hiring Seasonal Workers


Many businesses begin hiring seasonal employees at this time of the year, in preparation for the busy holiday season.

Temporary workers at this time of year are usually hired by ski resorts, retail stores, and event companies that are hosting holiday-themed events.

Although such employees are hired typically for six months or less, this type of employment comes with many questions. Common ones include: What rights do seasonal employees have? Should employers provide them with employment contracts?

This blog answers such questions and offers more information on seasonal employment relationships.

What rights do seasonal workers have?

Seasonal employees are protected under employment standards legislation. They have many of the same rights as full-time workers.

These include rights to minimum wage, overtime, vacation pay, and hours of work.

Additionally, seasonal staff are generally entitled to notice of termination depending on the type of contract they’ve signed. They are also covered under health and safety, human rights, and workers’ compensation legislation.

Are there different types of seasonal employees?

There are two main types of seasonal employees:

  • Those hired to work only for one season, and don’t return
  • Those who return to their seasonal position every year
Should seasonal employees have employment contracts?

Since short-term employees are only employed for a relatively short time every year, employers often overlook the fact that seasonal employment contracts should still be provided.

Implementing seasonal employment contracts into short-term work relationships can benefit both the employee and the employer. For the employee, employment agreements can be useful for stating compensation, and hours of work, and providing a set end date so there is no confusion surrounding the length of the seasonal employment.

Additionally, seasonal employment contracts containing a valid termination clause can be useful for employers in limiting the employees’ entitlements upon termination.

It is also worth noting that employers have no obligation to renew an employment contract with a fixed end date and rehire the same seasonal employees the following year. Despite this, employers often choose to rehire seasonal employees year after year as the employees will likely have already been trained, know the expectations of the job and are familiar with the work itself.

What are some things to keep in mind when recruiting seasonal staff?

Businesses should start hiring seasonal employees for their peak business season in advance. Job descriptions should detail the requirements of the job and the work schedule. Being upfront about physical requirements, such as heavy lifting, and schedule requirements, such as working late or working weekends, will help narrow down applicants. If you are tight on time, recruitment events and group interviews can make the hiring process more efficient.

What are some good practices for retaining seasonal employees?

Having an employee quit at the busiest time of the year can be stressful and hindering to business operations. There are several means by which you can retain your temporary employees throughout the season:

  • Offering an end-of-season bonus, for example, can be an incentive for employees to stay.
  • Offering loyalty bonuses can also encourage seasonal staff to return year after year, saving you time and resources on training new recruits.
  • Providing creative benefits and perks for your employees will also make your business more competitive and attractive to temporary workers.
  • Busy times of the year can be overwhelming and fast-paced for many businesses. To avoid losing employees who quit due to stress or feeling overworked, clearly explain your expectations for the position during the hiring process so they know what they are signing up for. Employees who are prepared for the challenges of seasonal work are less likely to quit mid-way.
Do you need help drafting job contracts for seasonal workers?

Our experts can help you develop employment contracts, and company policies as well as with any other HRhealth and safety, or employment advice you need. See how we have helped other small and medium businesses get their business compliant with provincial legislation. To learn more about how our services can benefit your business, call us today at 1 (833) 247-3652.