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Nifty News

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Employee engagement has become an essential aspect of workplace culture; it is not just a buzzword. Employee engagement is a critical driver of organizational success, productivity, and employee retention. Employers who prioritize employee engagement see a significant impact to their bottom line, including higher revenue, profitability, and customer satisfaction. In this article, we will provide...

Pre-employment background checks are an important tool for Canadian employers to ensure that they are hiring the right candidate for a job. These checks can include criminal record checks, employment and education verification, reference checks, and more. However, there are legal and ethical considerations that employers must keep in mind when conducting background checks. In...

Training and development are essential for businesses to ensure that their employees are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their roles and contribute to the growth of the organization. However, providing training can be costly, and employers often struggle with how to compensate their employees for attending training sessions. Generally, employers...

Most violations of employment laws occur because employers do not fully know their obligations. Manitoba’s Division of Labour is responsible for ensuring that employers comply with the province’s labour laws and regulations. This division is tasked with conducting inspections and investigating complaints to ensure that employees are being treated fairly and are working in safe...